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List Appertaining To Books 7 ans après...

Title:7 ans après...
Author:Guillaume Musso
Book Format:broché
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 400 pages
Published:April 5th 2012 by XO Editions
Categories:Romance. Thriller. Fiction. Cultural. France
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7 ans après... broché | Pages: 400 pages
Rating: 3.62 | 5866 Users | 474 Reviews

Commentary As Books 7 ans après...

Un divorce les avait séparés… … le danger va les réunir Artiste bohème au tempérament de feu, Nikki fait irruption dans la vie sage et bien rangée de Sebastian. Tout les oppose, mais ils s’aiment passionnément. Bientôt, ils se marient et donnent naissance à des jumeaux : Camille et Jeremy. Pourtant, le mariage tourne court : reproches, tromperies, mépris ; la haine remplace peu à peu l’amour. Au terme d’un divorce orageux, chacun obtient la garde d’un des enfants : Sebastian éduque sa fille avec une grande rigueur alors que Nikki pardonne facilement à son fils ses écarts de conduite. Les années passent. Chacun a refait sa vie, très loin de l’autre. Jusqu’au jour où Jeremy disparaît mystérieusement. Fugue ? Kidnapping ? Pour sauver ce qu’elle a de plus cher, Nikki n’a d’autre choix que de se tourner vers son ex-mari qu’elle n’a pas revu depuis sept ans. Contraints d’unir leurs forces, Nikki et Sebastian s’engagent alors dans une course-poursuite, retrouvant une intimité qu’ils croyaient perdue à jamais. Des rues de Paris au coeur de la jungle amazonienne Un thriller implacable brillamment construit Un couple inoubliable pris dans un engrenage infernal

Particularize Books Toward 7 ans après...

Original Title: 7 ans après...
ISBN: 2845635230 (ISBN13: 9782845635234)
Edition Language: French

Rating Appertaining To Books 7 ans après...
Ratings: 3.62 From 5866 Users | 474 Reviews

Assess Appertaining To Books 7 ans après...
It is another great book of this author. An extremly easy read. I liked the story but it was really predictable. Unfortunately I couldn't find the message from this book and I feel like another read will not help because the story was written in a superficial way. The ending instead was somehow incomplete. Like someone has randomly put a sticker in there. :))

One star only because I feel cheated.As for the previous book by Musso published in Poland ("Telefon od aniola") I knew it's not the usual, magical Musso. I've been warned, he himself said at one of his meetings with his readers that "he doesn't want to write the same stuff all his life".Fine.However I didn't know that about "7 lat pozniej". And I don't like thrillers of any kind. So, Mr Musso, I can understand that you don't want to write the same stuff again and again but that just means you

It's not OK to say that book is crap. You know someone loves it. It's not OK to call it a waste of your time, because...well none of the books are waste of time. It's also not OK to rate the book with only one star because some put effort to write that book. But guess what, this book is crap, has bloody zero sense and nothing big happens even after a skipping couple of chapters. It is waste of time because it does not have a message like at all and you can read better articles online than this

It was really amazing but I didn't like the end so much. I feel like it was rushed. It could've been better. Now, I'm going to read "Demain".

I liked that book from the beginning until "almost " the end but not until the end the final part in the Brazil was almost a pain in the *ss.even though i finished it and i liked it.It was a good book.

The only reason I gave this book two stars is because it kept my mind occupied for a while. It is however, one of the worst thrillers I have ever read, full of clichees, every action is completly predictable, characters are weak and the plot in general is just...lousy.

I feel like I expected to get a detective story, family drama, tragedy and so on, but instead got romance, even comedy and of course an action pack. It was an enjoyable read, thus, I will not complain about the things that could have been better and will concentrate on the things that were just right. Also, the two main characters might not be my favorite pair out there, but their adventures were something to look forward for. So for this evening, (and for this evening only) I had been taken on


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